
About the Lindau Psychotherapy Weeks

The Lindau Psychotherapy Weeks (LP) is a congress focussing on continuing education and developments in the field of psychotherapy.


The Vereinigung für psychotherapeutische Fort- und Weiterbildung e.V. is organizing the Lindau Psychotherapy Weeks.

Executive Committee 2023 - 2025

  • Prof. Barbara Wild, M.D. - Nürtingen-Geislingen
  • Prof. Astrid Riehl-Emde - Heidelberg
  • Wolfgang Merkle, M.D. - Frankfurt

Scientific Leadership

  • Prof. Dr. phil. Cord Benecke - Kassel
  • Prof. Peter Henningsen, M.D. - Munich
  • Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. Dorothea Huber, M.D. - Munich
Lindau Psychotherapy Weeks - a congress focussing on continuing education in psychotherapy

The Lindau Psychotherapy Weeks – every year

The Lindau Psychotherapy Weeks (LP) is a congress focussing on continuing education and developments in the field of psychotherapy. It takes place every year for two weeks in the second half of April on the island of Lindau on Lake Constance at the junction of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The LP is one of the largest events of its kind in the world in the field of psychotherapy. The conference language is German, however from time to time some presentations are also given in English. Approximately 3,900 psychotherapists (both medical and psychology-trained), and members of related professions attend at least one of the two weeks. They come with the aim of broadening their education, or to reflect on their profession and their relationship to clients, patients and themselves. Participants welcome the opportunity to meet colleagues, enjoy a stimulating cultural programme and step outside their everyday professional routine to experience something new.

A theme for each week

The LP scientific leadership and advisors designate a theme for each week. These themes are deemed to be either currently relevant or appropriate for review in light of new research findings. Selected experts present lectures, talks and seminars related to the chosen theme. These presentations form the basis of continuing education in specific psychotherapeutic methods and techniques, and serve to update delegates with information essential to basic psychotherapeutic knowledge.

A psychodynamic approach in exchange

The LP are committed to a psychodynamic approach (incorporating all the various schools of psychodynamic thought) in mutual exchange with other general psychotherapeutic orientations. The aim is to provide a space where one can become acquainted with unconventional therapeutic contributions.

The LP are an event rich in tradition with a history dating back to 1950, where established values are respected and explored in the context of new information. The LP strive to provide an important role linking scientific theory and practice. While scientific research serves to enrich psychotherapeutic practice, practitioners pose new questions and challenges to researchers. The aim is the communication of wide-ranging knowledge, exposure to existing problems, and to provide opportunities to develop new competencies to professionals working in the field of psychotherapy.

The LP are organized on behalf of registered organizations involved in continuing education in psychotherapy. Since its inauguration, the LP’s list of themes and speakers has always reflected the wide-ranging developments in the German-speaking world of psychotherapy.